Features of using a railgun in problems of high-speed interaction of bodies with obstacles
Yadrenkin M. A. 1, Fomichev V.P. 1, Golyshev A. A. 1
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Email: yadrenkin@itam.nsc.ru, fomichev@itam.nsc.ru, alexgol@itam.nsc.ru

Examples of the use of a rail mass accelerator (railgun) as part of a multifunctional ballistic complex designed to solve problems of high-speed interaction of bodies with obstacles are shown. A description is given of methods for accelerating micro- and macro-scale bodies inside a dielectric container driving through a channel by plasma piston. The results of tests of metal-ceramic coatings formed by laser cladding are presented. It was shown that gas-dynamic effects have a significant influence on the nature of the acceleration of the powder mixture of microparticles. The possibility of using a vacuum chamber to conduct experimental studies of the impact interaction of microparticles with obstacles at low ambient gas pressure has been demonstrated. Keywords: rail mass driver, plasma piston, microparticles, vacuum chamber, ballistic track.
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