An electrokinetic acoustic repeater located in a constant electric field
Sharfarets B.P.1, Kurochkin V.E.1, Kurochkin V.E.1
1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia

It is shown that due to the presence in the electrokinetic acoustoelectric transducer of both electroosmosis and its inverse electrokinetic phenomenon - the flow potential, the possibility of retransmission of the initial external acoustic field occurs in the transducer when a constant electric field (pumping voltage) is applied in the process of acoustic signal reception. Necessary theoretical substantiation of this phenomenon is given. The data of the full-scale experiment confirming the theory are presented, the detailed scheme of the full-scale experiment is given, and the necessary devices involved in it are listed. Keywords: electrokinetic phenomena, electrokinetic repeater, electroacoustic and acoustoelectric conversion, electroosmosis, flow potential, energy pumping. and acoustoelectric conversion, electroosmosis, flow potential, energy pumping.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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