Evolution of the composition of the zirconium alloy surface layer under external thermal influence
A.L. Maslov 1, N.N. Nazarenko 1
1Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Email: masloaleksey@rambler.ru, nnelli@ispms.ru

A macromodel of the composition evolution in a cylindrical sample under short-term thermal influence is presented. The model takes into account cross effects and chemical reactions. Stresses and deformations are evaluated. The value of stresses depends on the initial composition, chemical reactions and cross effects. The problem is extended to a micromodel in which diffusion near the sample surface is investigated. The micromodel takes into account the grain structure of the sample material and the phenomenon of mass flux relaxation during diffusion. The influence of relaxation times on the rate of formation of chemical reaction products is investigated. Keywords: diffusion, zirconium alloys, grain boundaries, mechanical stresses, strains.
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