Physics of the Solid State
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Magneto-Stark effect influence on intensity of exciton-light coupling for excitonic states with large wave vector
Loginov D. K.1, Donets A. V.2
1SOLAB Spin-optic laboratory, Saint-Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

The modification in exciton-light coupling due to the magneto-Stark effect is considered for excitonic states with a wave vector which is an order of magnitude greater than the wave vector of light. It is shown that the magnetic field affects on the relative motion of an electron and a hole in a moving exciton as an effective electric field in a potential well with an asymmetric parabolic profile. The asymmetry of this profile at large wave vectors leads to a nonmonotonic dependence of the strentgh of exciton-light coupling on the magnetic field. Keywords: exciton, magnetic field, Magneto-Stark effect, exciton-light coupling.
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