Physics of the Solid State
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Processes of a charge delocalization in monocrystal TlGaSe2 : Nd and defreezing of electrets states
A.P. Odrinskii 1
1Institute of Technical Acoustics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vitebsk, Belarus

Eight processes of charge delocalization have been observed in TlGaSe2 crystal doped by neodymium impurities by the photoinduced current transient spectroscopy. The processes associated with intrinsic defects of crystal and introduced impurity atoms have been identified. The modification of processes of charge thermal emission was found that was caused by formation of electrets states in crystal. The process of charge delocalization in the region of defreezing temperature of electrets states is considered. Displacement of Arrenius plot for the given process in neodymium-doped crystal concerning undoped one is interpreted as amplification of thermal emission of charge in undoped crystal due to phonon-assistant tunneling. Keywords: ferroelectric semiconductors, charge localization centers, electret states, thermal emission enhancement.
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