Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Magnetization of polycrystalline ytterbium in the region of low-temperature structural transition
Shitov A. E.1, Burkov A. T. 1, Volkov M.P. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The temperature and magnetic field dependences of the magnetic moment M(T,H) of polycrystalline ytterbium were studied in the region of phase transformation from a low-temperature close-packed hexagonal structure to a high-temperature face-centered cubic structure. The M(T) dependences have paramagnetic form for both phases and are described by the Curie-Weiss law in the entire temperature range, except for T≤10 K. In the temperature range of the structural transformation 150<T<400 K, a hysteresis is observed in the M(T) dependence, the form of hysteresis depends on the magnitude of the applied magnetic field. The hysteretic dependence M(T) can be considered as a consequence of overcooling of the high-temperature phase of ytterbium with decreasing temperature and, accordingly, overheating of the low-temperature phase with increasing temperature. During slow cooling, a small fraction of the high-temperature phase is retained down to low temperatures T~10 K. The dependences of the magnetic moment on the magnetic field M(H), for different branches of magnetic hysteresis, are linear up to H=140 kOe. In low fields, a small addition of a ferromagnetic type is observed, probably associated with the presence of a magnetic impurity or with Yb3+ ions localized near structural defects. Keywords: magnetization, paramagnetism, low temperatures, structural transformation, ytterbium.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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