Optical studies of the companion to the redback" pulsar J1908+2105
Beronya D. M.1, Kirichenko A. Yu.1,2, Zharikov S. V.2, Karpova A. V.1, Zyuzin D. A.1, Shibanov Yu. A.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Instituto de Astronomia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apdo. Postal 877, Baja California, Mexico
Email: daria.beronya@gmail.com

The binary millisecond radio- and gamma-ray pulsar J1908+2105 is likely a member of the "redback" class. Its possible companion has been discovered in the Gaia catalog. To confirm the companion and to obtain parameters of the system, we carried out time-series photometry of the source in the B, V, R, I bands with the 2.1-m OAN-SPM telescope in Mexico. We found its brightness variability with the period of 3.5 h consistent with the pulsar orbital period thus confirming the source association with the pulsar. Amplitudes of the variations are 0.2-0.3m, typical for "redbacks" . We also performed optical spectroscopy of the companion with the 10-m Gran Telescopio Canarias. The obtained spectra correspond to a star of spectral class K-M.
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