Radiation of an X-ray pulsar with a strong magnetic field in the case of subcritical accretion: accounting for Compton scattering
Markozov I. D. 1, Kaminker A. D.1, Potekhin A. Y.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: markozoviv@mail.ru

The work deals with the modeling of the radiation of subcritical pulsars with a strong magnetic field. A self-consistent radiation hydrodynamical simulation of the accreting plasma flow to the poles of a neutron star was carried out. The case of subcritical luminosities was considered, the recoil effect arising from the elastic collision of photons with falling matter was taken into account. The scattering cross section containing the main cyclotron resonance was used. Birefringence was taken into account in the cold plasma approximation. Under such assumptions, the spectra and polarization of the accretion column radiation were obtained. Keywords: X-ray pulsars, accretion, radiation transfer.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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