Physics of the Solid State
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Microstructure features of nanosized AsSb precipitates in LT-GaAsSb
Snigirev L.A. 1, Myasoedov A.V. 1, Bert N. A. 1, Preobrazhenskii V. V. 2, Putyato M. A. 2, Semyagin B. R. 2, Chaldyshev V.V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

The structural state of AsSb precipitates formed upon annealing of non-stoichometric GaAs0.97Sb0.03, epitaxial layer grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a GaAs (001) substrate at a temperature of 150oC, was investigated using transmission electron microscopy. New orientation relationships between AsSb precipitates with a rhombohedral lattice and the zincblende LT-GaAsSb matrix subjected to isothermal annealing at temperatures below 800oC for 15 minutes, were discovered: 1012p||111m and <2201>p||<110>m. These orientation relationships differ from those known for As precipitates (0003)p||111m; <1210>p||<110>m and take place for particles with size less than ~10 nm. For particles smaller than ~7 nm, electron microscopy results allow to hypothesize a transition to the cubic phase Pm3m. Keywords: Non-stoichiometric GaAsSb, precipitation, transmission electron microscopy, orientation relationships.
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