Physics of the Solid State
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Electronic structure and thermal stability of Be films on the surface of the (1010)Re face
Rut'kov E. V.1, Afanas'eva E. Y.1, Gall N. R.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

It has been shown that beryllium atoms, when deposited onto the surface of a (10=10)Re face at room temperature, form a multilayer film growing according to the "simultaneous multilayer" mechanism. When heated, this film rearranges, forming a bulk intermetallic compound at 800-1200 K, and at higher temperatures a surface compound of ReBe. The activation energy for the reactive diffusion of beryllium atoms into rhenium is 2.2 eV. Rearrangement of the film leads to a significant transformation of the shape of the Auger line of beryllium, which is a multiplet with energies of 75, 87, 95 and 104 eV for a multilayer film. The formation of the intermetallic compound gives rise to a peak with an energy of 109 eV, and the transition to a surface compound again leads to the formation of a triplet, but with different peak energies of 81, 104 and 114 eV. These Auger signal transformations can be used as "fingerprints" of the corresponding physicochemical states of beryllium on the surface. Keywords: beryllium, rhenium, adsorption, bulk intermetallic compound, surface compound.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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