Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Y(Co1-xFe_x)2 (x=0.12-0.20) and Lu(Co0.84Fe0.16)2 Compounds
Anikin M. S.1,2, Tarasov E. N.1,2, Zinin A. V.1,2, Kudrevatykh N. V.1,2, Neznakhin D. S.1,2, Semkin M. A.1,2,3, Knyazev M. I.1,2, Selezneva N. V.1,2, Andreev S. V.1,2

To clarify the nature of the anomalously high magnetocaloric effect at low temperatures in the RMe2 Laves type phases with "non-magnetic" rare-earth ions (R=Y or Lu) and 3d elements of the Fe group (Me=Fe, Co), the Y(Co1-xFe_x)2 (x=0.12-0.20) and Lu(Co0.84Fe0.16)2 compositions have been synthesized and their magnetic and magnetocaloric properties were investigated (isothermal magnetic entropy change Δ Sm and adiabatic temperature change Δ Tad). It has been established that the iron concentration increases and/or Y by Lu replacement with unchanged Co : Fe ratio gives rise in the energy of the d-d exchange interaction, which is followed by an increase in the Curie temperature value as well as by the low-temperature anomaly shift on the Δ S_m(T) dependence to a higher temperatures range. Keywords: magnetocaloric effect, adiabatic temperature change, magnetic moments, Laves phase, Curie temperature, mictomagnetism.
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