On the negative pressure of light in a dispersing medium
Davidovich M. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Email: davidovichmv@info.sgu.ru

Dispersing dissipative homogeneous isotropic local (without spatial dispersion) magnetodielectric media are considered, for which, using Maxwell's equations, balance relations for the momentum of the field-matter system are obtained, momentum fluxes are determined, the pressure of a plane monochromatic wave on the medium layer and the forces acting on small bodies in such a medium are determined. The possibility of negative pressure on the layer in the limitless left medium, as well as on the layer in the limitless right medium with low losses in the case when the electrical losses exceed the magnetic ones, is shown. The pressure on a half-plane or plate with any type of dispersion when a plane monochromatic wave falls on them from a vacuum is always positive. Transparent media and structures with different permeabilities do not experience pressure. A model of a hypothetical Veselago medium in the form of a rarefied plasma of electric and magnetic charges is considered, the rate of energy and momentum transfer in it is found. Keywords: light pressure, photon momentum, dispersion, Abraham-Minkowski contraversion, metamaterial.
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