The effect of a weak pulsed magnetic field on the ionic conductivity of the superionic conductor Pb0.67Cd0.33F2
Sorokin N. I. 1, Kanevskii V. M.1
1Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography “Crystallography and Photonics”, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

A magnetoconductometric effect was found under pulsed magnetic action (B=0.1-1 T) on a single crystal of the superionic conductor Pb0.67Cd0.33F2 (cubic symmetry, space group Fm3 m, unit cell parameter a=5.7575 Angstrem). The static electrical conductivity sigmadc was determined from impedance spectra in the frequency range (5-5)·105 Hz. In the absence of magnetic influence (B=0) the ionic conductivity of a superionic crystal is sigmadc=1.4·10-4 S/cm. When applying a magnetic field (B=(0.1-1) T) it increases, reaching sigmadc=9.5·10-4 S/cm and sigmadc(B)/sigmadc(0)=6.8 at B=1 T. The nature of the magnetoconductometric effect in the superionic Pb0.67Cd0.33F2 is discussed in connection with the features its atomic structure. Keywords: superionic conductivity, magnetoconductometric effect, fluorides, fluorite-type structure.
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