Selective laser spectroscopy of impurity Ho3+ centers in SrY2O4 single crystal
Nikitin S. I. 1, Kutashova E. M.1, Yusupov R. V. 1, Batulin R. G. 1, Kiiamov A. G. 1, Mumdzhi I. E. 1, Malkin B. Z. 1
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia

Detailed studies of emission and excitation spectra of impurity Ho3+ centers in the SrY2O4 single crystal performed by means of the site-selective laser spectroscopy are reported. The energy levels patterns for the ^5I8, ^5I7, ^5I6, ^5S2 and ^5F4 multiplets of Ho3+ ions which substitute for the Y3+ ions at the two structurally nonequivalent sites Y1 and Y2 with the local Cs symmetry are constructed by making use of the measured spectra. These energy schemes are well described in the framework of the crystal field theory, the sets of 15 crystal field parameters are determined for Ho3+ ions at both Y1 and Y2 sites. The calculated parameters of the EPR spectra agree with the earlier published experimental data. Keywords: Crystal field, rare-earth ions, site-selective spectroscopy.
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