Spin noise spectroscopy of rare-earth ions in crystals
Zapasskii V. S.1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: v.zapasskii@spbu.ru

Spin fluctuation spectroscopy (SNS) is a conceptually new version of magnetic resonance spectroscopy, experimentally demonstrated in 1981 and strongly developed in the last two decades. Atomic systems and semiconductors served as main objects of the SNS. It became possible to apply SNS to crystals with rare-earth impurities - classical objects of EPR spectroscopy and the subject of constant interest of P.P. Feofilov, only in recent years, due to specific combination of spectroscopic properties of rare-earth ions with characteristics of the stochastic signal formation in SNS. In this article, we consider the specific characteristics of application of SNS to crystals with rare-earth ions and briefly describe the results of experimental studies, which made it possible to significantly expand the scope of possibilities of this method. Keywords: spin noise, magnetic resonance, rare-earth ions, birefringence, magnetooptics.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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