Physics of the Solid State
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In situ investigation of the mechanism of propagation of Portevin-Le Chatelier deformation bands
Shibkov A. A.1, Zolotov A. E.1, Gasanov M. F.1, Denisov A. A.1, Koltsov R. Yu.1
1Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia

Based on the analysis of high-speed video data of propagating deformation bands in an aluminum-magnesium alloy, it was found that the movable deformation band contains an excess of dislocations of one mechanical sign, and the main mechanism for the propagation of the localized plastic deformation front along the sample axis is a relay transmission of sliding in the antiparallel direction to relax the bending moment created by the primary deformation band. It is shown that the "instantaneous" rate of plastic deformation during ~1 ms in the growing band reaches a value of ~103 s-1, comparable to the rate of deformation during shock tests. Keywords: intermittent deformation, vocalization, dislocations, mechanical charge, aluminum-magnesium alloy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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