Physics of the Solid State
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Effect of large single-ion anisotropy on the dynamic and static properties of a non-heisenberg ferrimagnet
Kosmachev O.A.1, Matyunina Ya.Yu.1, Fridman Yu.A.1
1Vernadskii Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
Email:, yanamatyunina@yandex

The influence of a large single-ion anisotropy of the "easy plane" type on the phase states and spectra of elementary excitations of a ferrimagnet with sublattices S = 1 and sigma=1/2 and non-Heisenberg exchange interaction for a sublattice with S = 1 is studied. It is shown that for different ratios of the material parameters of the system, only one phase state is possible, characterized by both vector and tensor order parameters (quadrupole-ferrimagnetic). The condition for sublattice spin compensation is determined, as well as the behavior of the spectra of elementary excitations near the spin compensation line. In the vicinity of the spin compensation line, the magnon spectra are "antiferromagnetically similar". Keywords: large single-ion anisotropy, biquadratic exchange interaction, ferrimagnet.
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