Entanglement between an isolated qubit and a qubit in a cavity with Kerr media
Bashkirov E. K.1
1Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia
Email: bashkirov.ek@ssau.ru

We found the exact solution for a model consisting of two dipole-coupled qubits, one of which is an isolated, and the other interacts with the thermal mode of a cavity with the Kerr medium. The results showed that Kerr nonlinearity may greatly enhance the degree of entanglement induced by a thermal field both for separable and entangled initial states of qubits. We also showed the possibility of the disappearance of the sudden death of entanglement for a model with a Kerr nonlinearity. Keywords: qubits, thermal field, Kerr nonlinearity, dipole-dipole interaction, entanglement, sudden death of entanglement.
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