The effect of temperature on the Hugoniot elastic limit and the spall strength of a lead-bismuth alloy at the pressure of shock compression up to 2.4 GPa
Savinykh A. S. 1,2, Garkushin G. V. 1,2, Razorenov S. V. 1,2
1Federal Research Center for Problems of Chemical Physics and Medical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
2Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Measurements of the Hugoniot elastic limit and the spall strength of the eutectic alloy Bi - 56.5 mass%, Pb - 43.5 mass% were carried out at sample temperatures in the range of 20-109oC based on registration and analysis of the evolution of shock compression pulses of various amplitudes. It is shown that an increase in the temperature of the samples leads to a decrease in the Hugoniot elastic limit by 25%, and the spall strength of the alloy under study - by 30%, regardless of the strain rate. An increase in the strain rate by two orders of magnitude leads to an increase in the spall strength by about three times. Approximation power-law dependences of the decay of the elastic precursor on the thickness of the samples and the spall strength on the strain rate before fracture at normal and elevated temperatures are constructed. Keywords: lead-bismuth eutectic alloy, shock waves, deformation, temperature, Hugoniot elastic limit, spall strength.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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