Nature diamond luminescence induced by ultrashort UV-range laser pulses
Pomazkin D. A. 1, Danilov P. A. 1, Rimskaya E. N.1, Smirnov N.A. 1, Kuzmin E.V. 1, Kriulina G.Y. 2, Kudryashov S.I. 1
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

In this paper nature crystals of the pink and brown colored diamonds with the evident plastic deformations were comprehensively studied with IR-Fourier spectroscopy and photoluminescence methods. A- and B-centers presence were revealed by IR-Fourier specters. Femtosecond (250 fs) UV-range laser pulses with wavelength of 257, 320, 352 and 365 nm induced photoluminescence demonstrates N3 and H3 photoluminescence centers and broad structureless A-band luminescence. It was found that UV radiation with a wavelength of 257 and 320 nm does not cause A-band luminescence, which might be due to direct interband photoexcitation of diamond. Keywords: femtosecond laser pulses, diamond luminescence, luminescence centers, ultraviolet laser radiation. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.02.55778.11-23
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