Improving the physical and mechanical characteristics of unalloyed titanium VT1-0 and studying the effect of selective laser melting parameters
Gryaznov M. Yu. 1, Shotin S. V. 1, Chuvildeev V. N. 1, Sysoev A. N. 1, Melekhin N. V. 1, Piskunov A. V. 1, Sakharov N. V. 1, Semenycheva A. V. 1, Murashov A. A. 1
1Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Comprehensive studies of the physical and mechanical properties and structure of VT1-0 titanium samples processed by selective laser melting have been carried out. High strength characteristics (the ultimate tensile strength of 820 MPa, the yield strength of 710 MPa) have been achieved. These exceed by 2 times the values for this material produced using conventional technology. The formation of the martensitic α'-phase, obtained due to the high crystallization rates realized in selective laser melting process, is the reason for the increase in the mechanical characteristics of titanium VT1-0. Mechanical characteristics of titanium VT1-0 subjected to high-temperature annealing demonstrated a monotonous decrease in strength parameters by 15% and an increase in plastic characteristics by 30%. It is shown that the technology of selective laser melting makes it possible to solve the problem of improving the strength characteristics of unalloyed titanium to create a new class of medical devices. Keywords: unalloyed titanium, VT1-0, additive technology, selective laser melting, density, strength, plasticity, elastic modulus, microstructure, implants for surgery.
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