Calculation and optimization of the limiting characteristics of a single-channel dual-spectrum image receiver of objects emitting in the ultraviolet range
Zolotukhin P. A.1, Il'ichev E. A.1, Petrukhin G. N. 1, Popov A. V. 1, Rychkov G. S. 1, Teverovskaya E. G. 1
1National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET), Zelenograd, Russia

A single-channel, two-spectral image receiver of objects emitting in UV radiation, made in the image intensifier tube architecture, was proposed and investigated. With the help of the COMSOL Multiphysics software package, search optimal measurements of the potential on the elements of the image receiver (silicon membrane, germanium and diamond photocathode, MCP input and output sensors) were implemented, which provides the possibility of registering and presence of UV objects in relation to the terrain. Keywords: image intensifier tube, diamond photocathode, germanium photocathode, ultraviolet radiation, object imager, photoelectron emission, secondary electron emission.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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