Determination of moisture content in vegetative cultivated plants by the method of millimeter wave spectroscopy for the tasks of increasing plant productivity
von Gratovski S. V.1, Kocherina N. V.2, Parkhomenko M. P.1, Kalenov D. S.1, Fedoseev N. A.1, Eremin I. S.1
1Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Fryazino Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
2Agrophysical Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Investigation of the genetic and breeding orientation have shown that it is inefficient to study the genotype-environment (GTE) interaction in plants at the molecular level, since the GTE effect disappears without a trace on it, being an emergent property that occurs when gene products interact with labile ones during the day, weeks, months by limiting environmental factors. Such studies should be carried out for higher system levels, namely, at the next stages of life organization - organismal, population, ecological, phytocenotic. Since the most powerful "lever" for increasing plant productivity and yield, GTE, cannot be traced at the molecular level, knowledge of the molecular structures of the genome without knowledge of the dynamics of limiting environmental factors and the interaction of gene products with them does not contribute to the creation of high technologies for ecological genetic increase in productivity and yield plants. The accumulated world experience shows that rapid methods for measuring traits in plants, which give a holistic characterization of a complex dynamic system (this is what GTE is), can be created by interdisciplinary approaches, primarily using physical measurement methods. Within this approach, the article proposes to use the method of millimeter (MM) wave spectroscopy, which is very sensitive to changes in the water supply of plant tissues for the selection of drought-resistant plants. Keywords: plant productivity, principle of background traits, moisture content, millimeter wave spectroscopy.
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