Nanostructured compositions based on polymeric paintwork materials and environmentally safe biocides
Sukhanova T. E. 1, Kosovskikh A. I. 2,3, Vylegzhanina M. E. 4, Belov Yu. P.5, Lebedev N. V. 1
1S.V. Lebedev research Institute for Synthetic Rubber, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, HSTE, St.-Petersburg, Russia
3The D.I. Mendeleev All-Russian Institute for Metrology, St. Petersburg, Russia
4Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
5JSC “NPO "Iodobrom", Saki, Crimea, Russia

Composite coatings containing iodine- and bromine-containing compounds as biocides have been obtained on the basis of industrial paintwork materials. A number of composite coatings containing biocides - Nitroxynil, Ioxynil and 2,5-dibrom-4-nitrophenol, have been analyzed using a modified technique for assessing biological activity and toxicity for determining the survival rate of Artemia salina crustaceans. It was found that the compositions on the basis of paintwork materials with Nitroxynil show the greatest bioactivity. AFM study of the surface morphology of the developed coatings showed that the introduction of biocides leads to coating structuring at the nanolevel, with the strength of nanostructured coatings on impact decreases by 2-3 times, however, these values are 2 times higher than those of the reference sample - an industrial copper-containing antifouling paint. The obtained results can be used for further development of environmentally safe protective and antifouling polymer coatings and paintwork materials. Keywords: protective and antifouling paintwork materials, iodine- and bromine-containing biocides, atomic-force microscopy, morphology of composite coatings, surface roughness, impact strength.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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