Physics of the Solid State
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Investigation of the structure and electrical properties of nanocomposite films WxSi1-x
Hydyrova S. Yu. 1, Mikhaylova I.V.1, Vasilev D. D. 1, Moiseev K. M. 1, Barkov K. A. 2, Ivkov S. A. 2, Buylov N. S. 2, Kersnovskiy E.S.2
1Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
2Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

An experimental investigation of the structure and phase composition by X-ray, Raman, and ultrasoft X-ray emission spectroscopy, as well as the study of the electrical properties of WxSi1-x films used as sensitive elements of superconducting single-photon detectors (SNSPD), depending on the thickness in the range from 7 to 80 nm, was carried out, according to the results of which it was found that the W3Si phase is presumably formed in films 20 and 40 nm thick with a resistivity of 8.4·10-5 and 6.0·10-5 Ω ·cm, respectively, containing the WSi2, W5Si3, and SiO2 phases, as well as WOx and a small share of β-W. Films with a thickness of 7 nm have the highest resistivity of 18.0·10-5 Ω ·cm and contain nanocrystals, WSi2, SiO2, as well as β-W, and an amorphous silicon phase. Films with a thickness of 80 nm (the resistivity is also 18.0·10-5 Ω ·cm) predominantly contain WSi2, as well as W5Si3 and SiO2, and, presumably, the W3Si phase. Keywords: Superconducting single-photon detector, phase composition, X-ray amorphous structure, WSi superconducting films, spectroscopy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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