Water jet impingement onto a hot steel plate
Glazkov V.V.1, Duplyankin R.A.1, Ilyukhin A.A.1
1National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia
Email: freeze-8@mail.ru

The research studies the interaction between subcooled small diameter water jet and thick steel heater at different surface temperatures, liquid velocities and jet angles. Although the heater surface temperature exceeded the Leidenfrost temperature and reached 340oC, the liquid, according to visual observations, wetted the surface. Geometrical characteristics of the heater surface wetted area and jet deflection angles were measured. It was hypothesised that jet deflection from the surface, accompanied by finely dispersed drops generation, occurs when thermal boundary layer, which develops in the liquid near the heater surface, reaches the liquid's outer surface. The preliminary measurements seem to confirm the hypothesis Keywords: Free-surface jet, quenching, jet impingement boiling, liquid film, Leidenfrost temperature.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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