Physics of the Solid State
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Structural transition and temperature dependencies of thermal expansion coefficients of NaNO3 embedded into the nanoporous glass
Naberezhnov A. A. 1, Alekseeva O. A. 2, Kudriavtzeva A. V.2, Chernyshov D. Yu. 2,3, Vergentiev T. Yu. 4, Fokin A. V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
3European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
4Open Joint Stock Company "Morion", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The temperature evolution of the crystal structure of a nanocomposite material obtained by introducing sodium nitrate NaNO3 from a melt under pressure into a nanoporous alkali borosilicate glass with an average pore diameter of 7 nm has been studied by the method of diffraction of synchrotron radiation in a wide temperature range upon heating. Analysis of the experimental diffraction patterns revealed a significant decrease in the temperature of the structural (orientational) transition by more than 50 K (up to 496 K) compared to bulk sodium nitrate. From the temperature dependence of the intensity of the superstructure peak (113), the dependence of the critical exponent β(T) for this transition was obtained and a significant difference from the critical exponent for a bulk material was found in the temperature range from 455 K to the transition temperature. Analysis of the broadening of Bragg reflections made it possible to estimate the average size (~40 nm) of sodium nitrate nanoparticles into the pores. An increase in the linear coefficient of thermal expansion in the [001] direction was found in NaNO3 nanoparticles in comparison with bulk material at temperatures above 450 K. Keywords: porous glasses, phase transitions, nanocomposite materials, synchrotron radiation diffraction, sodium nitrate, restricted geometry, structure, size effects.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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