The effects of local environment on a probe signal absorption and resonance fluorescence for quantum emitters in transparent media
Smirnova E. A. 1,2,3, Lozing N. A. 1,2,3, Gladush M. G. 1,3, Naumov A. V. 1,3,4
1Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia
2National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
3Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia
4Troitsk separate subdivision of Lebedev Physical Institute, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia

The current paper demonstrates theoretical analysis of two types of spectral curves for several configurations of system of two-level light emitters, considering the influence of local field and close environment inside a transparent medium. Probe field absorption spectra and resonant fluorescence spectra are calculated under excitation of a strong monochromatic cw laser. The sensitivity of absorption and emission optical spectroscopy method is compared for revealing the effects of the medium on individual emitters and their ensembles. Spectral curves were calculated for model emitters considering local field influence of a transparent dielectric medium and local electron-phonon interactions, which determined the response of the emitters to an external laser field and effective relaxation mechanisms. The calculation formalism is based on a semiclassical approach, while the relaxation processes associated with the phonon contribution are introduced phenomenologically with references to other studies. Keywords: absorption spectrum, resonance fluorescence, probe field method, quantum dot, electron-phonon interaction, local field.

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