Nonlinear splitting of magnetoelastic resonance line in powerfully excited ferrite
Vlasov V. S.1, Shavrov V. G.2, Shcheglov V. I.2
1Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar, Russia
2Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The nonlinear splitting of magnetoelastic resonance line in powerfully excited ferrite is investigated. It is shown that the amplitude of splited resonance has the same order of value that the amplitude of basis resonance and its frequency is determined by the upper boundary of nonlinear amplitude-frequency characteristic of magnetic system. It is found the threshold character of splitting additional resonance from general. It is determined the possibility of operation of splited elastic resonance frequency by changing of exited magnetic field value which has practical importance. Keywords: ferromagnetic resonance, magnetoelastic interaction, nonlinear vibrations.

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