Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Removal of impurities, defects and non-equilibrium quasi-particles from fine grains of amorphous alloy crystallites
Terekhov S. V.1
1Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology named after. A.A. Galkina, Donetsk, Russia

Thermodynamic aspects of removal of foreign components from the fine grain of the crystalline phase of an amorphous alloy, the adsorption capacity of the crystallite boundary and the effect of the impurity type on the formation of a new layer for fractal and topological changes in the internal energy of atoms on the interphase surface are considered. The conditions of purification of fine grains are determined for ideal and interacting phases of an amorphous alloy. The paper shows that the positivity of the phase-mixing energy contributes to the formation of islands of the same type of particles. A change of the chemistry of the formed crystalline shell and the surface activity of impurities can result in the formation of layered structures. Keywords: spherical fine grain, non-equilibrium, adsorption, segregation of impurities, surface tension.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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