Luminescent characteristics of ZrHfYEuO ceramics
Dementeva E. V. 1, Shakirova A. A.1, Dementev P. A. 1, Orekhova K. N. 1, Zamoryanskaya M. V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Luminescent characteristics of Zr0.38Hf0.45Y0.1Eu0.07O1.91 ceramics prepared by co-precipitation from a common solution followed by sintering and additional annealing in an argon atmosphere have been studied. It has been shown that ceramics have a cubic crystal structure. Annealing ceramics in an argon atmosphere leads to an increase in the luminescence intensity of Eu3+. Based on the analysis of luminescence spectra of europium ion, it has been concluded that after annealing the Eu3+ ion occupies a more symmetrical position in the crystal lattice. The appearance of intense broad bands in the emission spectra allows us to conclude that during the annealing process in an argon atmosphere, diffusion of oxygen from the sample occurs, and the process of oxygen diffusion is more active in areas with small grain sizes. Keywords: zirconium oxide, hafnium oxide, ceramics, cathodoluminescence, point defects, Eu3+ luminescence Eu3+.

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