Physics of the Solid State
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Structure and recombination properties of twin boundaries in kappa-phase of gallium oxide
Vyvenko O. F. 1, Bondarenko A. S.1, Ubyivovk E. V.1, Shapenkov S. V.1,2, Pechnikov A. I.2, Nikolaev V. I.2, Stepanov S. I.2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Recent studies of the structure of the metastable hexagonal ε-phase of gallium oxide have established that it consists of oriented nanodomains of the orthorhombic kappa-phase. In this work we demonstrate that when the kappa-phase of gallium oxide is produced by epitaxial growth on gallium nitride, its hexagonal-prismatic microcrystals consist of rotary domains with built-in extended antiphase boundaries. It was found that domain and antiphase boundaries are characterized by reduced luminescence intensity. Keywords: gallium oxide, kappa-Ga2O3, domains, recombination, TEM.
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  5. S. Shapenkov, O. Vyvenko, E. Ubyivovk, V. Mikhailovskii. J. Appl. Phys. 131, 12, 125707 (2022)
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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