Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Analysis of the structural composition of a silicon carbide film obtained by high-temperature chemical vapor deposition
Shishkin I. A.1, Shishkina D. A.1, Nefedov S. A.1, Lebedev D. M1, Chepurnov V. I.1, Artemyev D. N.1
1Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia

The surface of silicon carbide structures fabricated by high temperature chemical vapor deposition (HTCVD) is investigated. It is shown that a homogeneous polycrystalline film of silicon carbide with a thickness of about 3-6 mkm grows on the surfaces of wafers with orientations 111 and 100. The results of X-ray phase analysis and Raman spectra of samples with silicon carbide are presented. It has been shown that the manufacturing technology of silicon carbide film can lead to the appearance of pure carbon on the surface. Keywords: silicon carbide, HTCVD, Raman scattering, X-ray phase analysis.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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