Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
The ion-thermal deactivation technology of the metal structures surface of nuclear reactor plants
Petrovskaya A. S.1, Tsyganov A. B.1
1InnoPlasmaTech LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The actual problem in nuclear energy is the deactivation of the first loop of reactor during decommissioning and during planned repairs of nuclear reactor plants. We are developing a fundamentally new "dry" ion-thermal technology for the deactivation of metal structures and reactor graphite. This paper is presents the results of numerical calculations of the temperature distribution in the first loop of high-power channel reactor (RBMK) in the process of applying ion-thermal technology. Keywords: nuclear reactor plants, ion-thermal deactivation technology, decommissioning, deactivation of metal structures surface.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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