Physics of the Solid State
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Influence of the elemental composition of the metal phase of the Co-MgF2 and CoFeZr-MgF2 composites on the magnetotransport properties
Tregubova T.V. 1, Stognei O.V. 1, Tregubov I.M. 1
1Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia

The physical properties and structure of nanogranular thin-film composites Cox(MgF_2)100-x and (Co47Fe42Zr11)x(MgF_2)100-x are studied in a wide range of concentrations of the metal phase (14≤ x, at.% ≤ 62 and 15≤ x, at.% ≤ 55). The systems were studied in the initial state and after heat treatment at various temperatures in a vacuum atmosphere up to 350^oC. The systems under study exhibit magnetoresistive properties. The maximum values of negative magnetoresistance (MR) reach 7% and 3.25%, respectively. Cox(MgF_2)100-x composites, in contrast to (CoFeZr)x(MgF_2)100-x composites, exhibit positive tunneling magnetoresistance. Keywords: nanogranular composites, magnetoresistance, anisotropy, thermal stability.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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