Features of the formation of the emission spectrum of the decaying plasma of a low-pressure pulsed barrier discharge
Ivanov V.A. 1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: v.a.ivanov@spbu.ru

In this paper, the role of the processes of electron-ion recombination of Ne+, Ne2+, and Ne++ ions in the formation of the optical properties of decaying neon and helium-neon plasmas is compared by means of kinetic spectroscopy. The plasma source was a low-frequency (80-160 Hz) pulsed dielectric barrier discharge, which creates a sufficient number of doubly charged Ne++ ions for spectroscopic observations in the recombination afterglow. Results are presented showing the possibility of solving the problem by analyzing, along with the intensities of individual spectral lines in the afterglow of the discharge, also plasma radiation in "white" light. Keywords: dielectric barrier discharge, doubly charged ions, collisional-radiative recombination, decaying plasma, elementary processes.
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