Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Formation and properties of surface phosphide on rhenium
Rut'kov E. V.1, Afanas’eva E. Y.1, Gall N. R.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The adsorption of PCl3 molecules on (10=10)Re was studied in a wide temperature range of 300-2000 K. It was shown that at room temperature PCl3 molecules are chemisorbed on the surface, apparently in a partially dissociated form. At T~ 800 K, thermal desorption of chlorine begins, and at T>1100 K, only phosphorus remains on the surface. When PCl3 is adsorbed in the range T=1100-1200 K, a surface compound with ReP stoichiometry is formed. The surface compound begins to decompose at 1200 K as a result of thermal desorption; P atoms finally leave the rhenium surface at T~ 1850 K, which corresponds to a change in the desorption activation energy from 3.3 eV to 5.1 eV. Keywords: phosphorus, rhenium, adsorption, surface compound, thermal desorption.
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