Physics of the Solid State
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Non-reciprocal propagation of spin waves in an asymmetric magnonic structure
Grachev A. A. 1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

This paper presents a study of spin-wave coupling effects in a parallel oriented magnetic microwaveguides made on yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films. The structure consists of two YIG microwaveguides separated by an air gap in the vertical direction, providing a dipole interaction between them, which has a shift relative to each other in the horizontal direction, forming an asymmetric geometry of vertically coupled microwaveguides. Micromagnetic calculation is used to demonstrate the phenomenon of non-reciprocal propagation of spin waves in the asymmetric geometry of vertically coupled microwaveguides. Based on the finite element method, the eigenmode spectrum of the considered structure is calculated under changing polarity of the external magnetic field, which demonstrates the change in dipole coupling of vertically coupled YIG microwaveguides. These results indicate that the manifestation of the non-reciprocal propagation of the spin waves is due to several factors. First, the asymmetric distribution of the internal magnetic field relative to the centers of each magnetic microwave. Second, the dependence of the overlap integral of the eigenmodes on the variation of the polarity of the external magnetic field. Micromagnetic modelling is used to show the transformation of the coupling length of the spin waves as the vertical spacing between the microwaves is varied. The results obtained in this work extend the possibilities of using the considered structure as a directional coupler for spin waves. Keywords: nonreciprocity, magnonics, dipole interaction, coupled structures.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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