Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Magnetic and Mossbauer Studies of Nanocomposites with Carbidosteels Composition doped by Chromium and Nickel
Chulkina A.A. 1, Ulyanov A.I. 1, Ulyanov A.L. 1, Porsev V.E. 1
1Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russia

The properties of alloys (Fe0.95-yCr0.05Niy)83C17 and (Fe0.90-yCr0.10Niy)83C17, where y=0.05 and 0.10, obtained by mechanosynthesis and subsequent annealing, were studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements, using X-ray diffraction data. As a result of annealing at 500oC, nanocomposites are formed with a similar phase composition (cementite and austenite matrix with the ferrite inclusions) and maximum values of the coercive force Hc. At the same time, Hc of high-chromium composites is more than two times higher than Hc of low-chromium composites (210-250 and 100 A/cm, respectively). Mossbauer studies have shown that the cementite of high-chromium alloys is in a paramagnetic state, while that of low-chromium alloys is in a ferromagnetic state. This aspect determines the features of magnetization reversal of close to the critical single-domain size ferrite inclusions, which leads to different maximum values of Hc for low- and high-chromium nanocomposites. Keywords: transition metals, mechanosynthesis, nanostructured materials, phase transitions, saturation magnetization, coercive force, Mossbauer spectroscopy.
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