Physics of the Solid State
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Microwave Optical Spectroscopy of Polyvalent Charge States of Transition Element Ions in Silicon Carbide
Babunts R.A. 1, Kramushchenko D. D.1, Uspenskaya Yu. A. 1, Ilyin I.V. 1, Bundakova A. P. 1, Muzafarova M. V. 1, Baranov P.G. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Four possible charge states of molybdenum in silicon carbide (SiC) are analyzed: paramagnetic Mo3+(4d^3), Mo4+(4d^2), Mo5+(4d^1), characterized by axial symmetry, and diamagnetic Mo6+(4d^0). Using high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and low temperatures for Mo4+ with spin S=1, which is the neutral charge state in the A0 crystal, a positive sign of the fine structure splitting D was established for two quasi-cubic positions k1 and k2: D(k1)=3.06 GHz, D(k2)=3.29 GHz and the values of g-factor are determined: g||=1.9787 and g normal =1.9811, that is, g normal >g||. The contributions of paramagnetic and diamagnetic components in non-phonon lines of optical absorption of Mo4+ ions in the near-IR region were separated by magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) of absorption at different temperatures. For the charge state of Mo5+(4d^1), the off-center position of the substititional impurity in place of the silicon atom was established and superhyperfine (SHF) interactions with ligand nuclei 29Si and 13C were determined. A comparative analysis of hyperfine (HF) interactions with odd isotopes of molybdenum 95Mo and 97Mo having a nuclear magnetic moment in three charge states is carried out. Due to works using vanadium V4+ in SiC for quantum information and communication, since these defects have photoluminescence lines in the transmission window of about 1300 nm, it is shown that in the main transmission window of about 1540 nm, erbium Er3+ in SiC is very promising, and we previously managed to introduce Er3+ in SiC bulk crystals. It is important that at room temperature a significant decrease in the V4+ photoluminescence line in SiC is recorded, whereas for Er3+ ions in SiC such a decrease is insignificant and photoluminescence line can be observed up to 400 K. Keywords: high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance, magnetic circular dichroism of absorption, silicon carbide, molybdenum, vanadium, erbium, impurity centres.
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