Interaction of an electromagnetic H-wave with an "insulator-semiconductor-insulator" nanostructure in the view of semiconductor band structure anisotropy
Kuznetsova I. A. 1, Savenko O. V. 1
1Demidov State University, Yaroslavl, Russia

The problem of electromagnetic H-wave interaction with a layered "insulator-semiconductor-insulator" nanostructure is solved. We assume that the semiconductor layer thickness can be comparable to or less than the charge carrier de Broglie wavelength. Charge carrier surface scattering is taken into account by the Soffer boundary conditions. The electromagnetic wave frequency is less than the plasma resonance frequency. The constant energy surface is an ellipsoid of revolution. Analytical expressions are obtained for the reflection, transmission and absorption coefficients. Calculations are performed for the limiting cases of a degenerate and nondegenerate electron gas. We analyze the dependences of the optical coefficients on dimensionless parameters: the semiconductor layer thickness, the electromagnetic wave frequency and incidence angle, the chemical potential, the ellipticity parameter, the insulating layer permittivities, and the "semiconductor-insulator" interface roughness parameters. Keywords: layer nanostructure, Liouville equation, de Broglie wavelength, Soffer model, optical coefficients.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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