On the Modeling of Equivalent Transfer Function and Impulse Response of the Fourier-Holography Scheme under the High-frequency Holograms
Pavlov A. V. 1, Gaugel A.O.1
1ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: avpavlov@itmo.ru, gaugelartur@yandex.ru

An approach for modeling the transfer function and approximating the impulse response in the +1 diffraction order of the 4f holography scheme of the Fourier holography under usage of high-frequency holograms characterized by the presence of an inverse section of the dependence of the local diffraction efficiency on the spatial frequency in the frequency range below the frequency of equality of local amplitudes of the reference spectrum and the reference beam by the model of "Difference of Gaussians" is proposed and justified. The expediency of using, when implementing processing models that involve working only with the global maximum of the circuit response, a transfer function that is equivalent in terms of the minimum mean square error of the impulse response, as providing a more accurate approximation of the impulse response compared to the approximation of the direct transfer function, is shown. The validity of the approach is confirmed by comparing the simulation results with experimental data Keywords: Holography, Fourier-transform, Transfer Function, Impulse Response, Holographic Recording Media, Exposure Characteristic.
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