Physics of the Solid State
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Influence of fractality of a nickel nanonetwork on its magnetic properties
Dvoretskaya E. V.1, Valeev R. A.2, Burkanov M. V.2, Morgunov R. B.1,2,3
1Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS, Сhernogolovka, Russia
2All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials of the Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
3Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia

The magnetic properties of a nanonetwork consisting of ultrathin Ni nanowires (diameter <4 nm) and Ni nanoballs (diameter <20 nm) are studied at different stages of its growth during laser ablation in a superfluid helium medium. It has been established that, at the early stages of ablation, the nanonetwork consists mainly of nanowires and has a rectangular magnetic hysteresis loop. At the late stages of ablation, the concentration of nanoballs and their diameter increase, and the shape of the hysteresis loop deviates from a rectangular one. The fractal dimension of the nanonetwork is determined, which varies from 1 in the early stages of ablation, when individual nanowires occur, to 2, when the nanonetwork becomes so dense that it is a continuous film. It is shown that the saturation magnetization changes with a change in the fractality of the nanonetwork, which, under constant ablation conditions, is explained by the transformation of nanowires into nanoballs during their folding Keywords: Ni nanowires, laser ablation, magnetic anisotropy, fractal dimension.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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