The effect of recrystallization on the IR spectrum of modified glycine
Plastun I. L.1, Zhulidin P. A. 1, Filin P. D. 1, Yakovlev R. Yu.2
1Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov, Russia
2 RTA Research Center LLC, Skolkovo Innovation Center, Moscow, Russia

An explanation is given for the change in the physicochemical and spectral characteristics of glycine resulted from its modification. The experimentally measured infrared (IR) spectra of glycine were compared with the spectra calculated by the methods of the density functional theory. The effect of single water molecules associated with glycine after the recrystallization procedure was analyzed. The effect of hydrogen bonding on the change in the spectral characteristics and physicochemical properties of modified glycine is evaluated. Keywords: glycine, molecular modeling, IR spectrum, density functional theory, hydrogen bonds, cryochemical recrystallization, experimental measurements. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.06.56667.118-23
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