Estimation of the effective scattering properties during tissue cryodestruction performed by the sapphire cryoprobe
Dolganova I. N. 1, Zotov A. K. 1, Safonova L. P. 2, Zaytsev K. I. 3, Kurlov V. N. 1
1Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia
2Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
3Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The task of monitoring the condition of the tissue during its cryodestruction is extremely relevant for cryosurgery. Previously, the concept of a sapphire cryoprobe was proposed, which makes it possible to detect diffusely scattered light from a tissue during an ice ball formation. This probe combines the advantages of sapphire as a promising material for cryosurgery, as well as the possibility of assessing the depth of tissue freezing in the contact area. The use of several light source channels inside the applicator, spaced at different distances from the detector channel, makes it possible to analyze the scattering properties of the medium using the methods of diffusion theory. In this paper, we consider the influence of the position and number of analyzed source channels on the signals recorded by the detector channel and the determined effective scattering coefficient of a two-component medium consisting of an iceball and unfrozen tissue. Differences in the scattering coefficient obtained for various channel configurations are shown, as well as the advantages of analyzing a large number of channels to describe the effective properties of the medium with a complex iceball boundary. Keywords: sapphire, cryosurgery, cryoprobe, diffuse scattering, scattering coefficient DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.06.56660.121-23
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