Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Response of a Josephson junction to a current pulse with the energy of a microwave photon
Revin L. S.1, Ladeynov D. A.1, Gordeeva A. V.1, Pankratov A. L.1
1Alekseev State Technical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

A theoretical analysis of the efficiency of detecting photon-like pulses at frequencies of the order of 10 GHz by the Josephson junction is performed with parameters available for aluminum technology. Numerical simulation of the junction switching dynamics under the influence of a switching pulse is carried out within the framework of a linear resistive model of the Josephson junction. For comparison with simulations, the experimental data of a sample made using aluminum technology by the shadow evaporation technique are used. The times between dark counts for which the junction is sensitive to single photons are determined. Ways to increase sensitivity are considered. Keywords: RCSJ model, lifetime, photon absorption. DOI: 10.61011/PSS.2023.07.56389.30H
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