Physics of the Solid State
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Magnetic susceptibility of one-dimensional spin chains S(Ni2+)=1 single crystal Y2BaNiO5 in the region of 1.85-800 K
Petinov V. I.1, Kulakov A. B.2
1Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS, Сhernogolovka, Russia
2Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia

The magnetic susceptibility of chi(T) one-dimensional spin chains (OSCs) of a single crystal Y2BaNi05 was first studied in the range of 1.85-800 K. In the region from 800 to ~520 the OCC exhibits Curie-Weiss paramagnetism, in which chi0(T)=C/(T+800), where C is the Curie constant, with an effective magnetic moment of μeff=3.75 μB. With a decrease from 520 to 40 K, the susceptibility changes as a Halden magnet with a gap Delta=117 K, chi(T)=chi0(T)exp(-117/T). Below 40 K chi(T) grows again according to the Curie-Weiss law with μeff=3.75μB, thetai1=-3 K and ni1=9.3·1019 spins S(Ni2+)=1 per mole in a crystal grown in an oxygen-free environment; and thetai2=-1.3 K, and ni2=4.6·1019 spins S(Ni2+)=1 after annealing this crystal to 1000oC in air and its subsequent slow cooling.Such a change in the "impurity" contribution to chi(T) of the OCC is presumably due to a lack of O2 in a significant proportion of the terminal spins in the OCC of a single crystal Keywords: energy gap, SQUID measurements in the region of 1.85-800 K, end spins, breaks in the spin chain.
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