Physics of the Solid State
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Magnetization reorientation of GdFeCo/Ir/GdFeCo heterostructures at critical temperatures
Bakhmetiev M. V.1, Burkanov M.V.2, Valeev R.A.2, Piskorskii V.P.2, Morgunov R.B.1,2,3
1Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS, Сhernogolovka, Russia
2All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials of the Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
3Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia

In GdFeCo/Ir/GdFeCo heterostructures with amorphous GdFeCo layers, three critical points were found in the temperature dependences of the magnetization. In the neighborhood of 100 K, the temperature of compensation for the magnetizations of the Gd and FeCo sublattices is observed, which is found in the form of a magnetization minimum and does not depend on the magnetic field. As the temperature decreases, a sharp stepwise transition is observed, which corresponds to the switching of the mutual magnetization's orientation of the GdFeCo layers between their parallel and antiparallel configurations. This transition depends on the magnetic field in which the measurement is made. Its critical temperature shifts in the range of 70-300 K with a change in the field in the range of 0.5-5 T. At low temperatures <50 K, a transition to the spin glass state is observed, which is accompanied by a decrease in the magnetic moment to zero and disappears when the field is applied. Keywords: Compensation temperature, synthetic ferrimagnet, exchange interaction, magnetic anisotropy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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