Physics of the Solid State
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Radiative recombination in the InAs/InSb type II broken-gap heterojucntion with quantum dots at the interface
Parkhomenko Ya. A. 1, Ivanov E. V. 1, Moiseev K. D. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The electroluminescent properties of narrow-gap type II InAs/InSb/InAs heterostructures containing a single layer of InSb quantum dots placed at the interface of the p-n junction in InAs were studied. The features of the electroluminescence spectra depending on the surface density of nanoobjects at a broken-gap type II heterointerface were investigated both at forward and reverse bias. When applying a reverse bias to the heterostructures under study, the suppression of negative interband luminescence and the dominance of interface recombination transitions at the InSb/InAs type II heterojunction were observed at room temperature. The radiation, which corresponded to recombination transitions involving localized states of InSb quantum dots, was recorded at low temperature. Keywords: quantum dots, electroluminescence, InAs, InSb, type II heterojunction.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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