Solid immersion based on ZnSe-for visualization of defects inside diamonds
Smirnov N. A1, Levchenko A.O.1, Kuznetsov S.V.2, Egorov A.B.1, Shutov V.V.1, Danilov P.A.1, Nastulyavichus A.A.1, Кудряшов С.И.1, Ionin A.A.1
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2LLC "Microlaser", Moscow, Russia

Using high-temperature lamellar deformation in an argon atmosphere, diamond samples were sealed into an immersion solid-state composition based on ZnSe to visualize the internal structure of diamond in the visible region of the spectrum. The absence of pyrohydrolysis processes at the ZnSe-diamond interface was shown by the following methods: Raman scattering of light, X-ray phase analysis, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis. Visualization of graphic images inside the diamond through a five-millimeter layer of solid-state immersion based on ZnSe was made. Keywords: ZnSe, solid-state immersion, Raman spectroscopy, diamond immersion. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.02.55792.7-23
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